
Responsible Gaming

Play responsibly

On this page you'll find all the information and guidance you might need to play on 777.be responsibly and with moderation, and what to do when this is no longer the case.

When you participate in online casino games, you should so do solely for entertainment purposes. At 777.be we want all our customers to have an enjoyable experience during their visit to our gaming sites and to always play responsibly. Customers are reminded of this at every login and after every 30 minutes spent on our platforms.

We strongly recommend you play safe by the following basic rules:

  • Be sure that the decision to play is your own.
  • Before you start playing you should moderate yourself by deciding what amount of money could be considered as a reasonable loss for you.

We strongly advise you not to play if:

  • It affects your ability to work, any other responsibilities or your relationships with family and friends.
  • You are recovering from a condition resulting from any type of dependency.
  • You are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • You are trying to recover previous gambling losses.

Please seek professional help if playing becomes more of a need than purely a form of entertainment.

Help and advice

If you need any help or advice on moderating your gameplay, there are several options available to you via the website of the Belgian Gaming Commission https://www.gamingcommission.be/en/protection-of-players.

There is also a free helpline, available 24/7, for problem gamblers or anyone dealing with a problem gambler: SOS GAMBLING : 0800/35.777.

In addition, the Gaming Commission offers a free online brochure with information via https://www.gamingcommission.be/en/protection-of-players/online-help. As mentioned in this brochure you can also speak to your doctor about any possible problems, or get in touch with any of the below services in the capital and regions across the country:


CGGZ Brussel Houba
Houba de Strooperlaan 136 - 1020 BRUSSEL - Tel: 02/478.90.90

Vereniging voor de preventie van gokverslaving
Artesiëstraat 16 - 1000 BRUSSEL - Tel: 02/514.02.08

Clinique du jeu pathologique Dostoïevski - CHU Brugmann
Place Van Gehuchten 4 - 1020 BRUXELLES - Tel: 02/477.27.77 - [email protected] - www.cliniquedujeu.be

Association de prévention de l’addiction aux jeux
Rue d’Artois 16 - 1000 BRUXELLES - Tel: 02/514.02.08

Le Pélican a.s.b.l.
Rue Vanderborght 20 - 1081 KOEKELBERG - Tel: 02/502.08.61 - www.lepelican-asbl.be

Clinique des Troubles liés à Internet et au Jeu de Saint-Luc - Service de Psychiatrie
Av. Hippocrate 10 - 1200 BRUXELLES - Tel: 02/764.21.60 - [email protected]


Centrum Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg VAGGA
Boomgaardstraat 7 - 2018 ANTWERPEN - Tel: 03/285.95.60 - Mail : [email protected] - www.vagga.be

VGGZ CAD Limburg
Salvatorstraat 25 - 3500 HASSELT - Tel: 011/27.42.98 - Mail: [email protected] - www.zorggroepzin.be

Psychiatrisch Ziekenhuis Sint-Amandus
Reigerlostraat 10 - 8730 BEERNEM - Tel: 050/79.95.00

Werkgroep tegen Gokverslaving VZW
Hazeveld 5 - 1600 SINT-PIETERS-LEEUW - Tel: 02/532.58.26 - Gsm: 0495/69.00.24


Maison du Social de la Province de Liège
Rue Beeckman 26 - 4000 LIÈGE - Tel: 04/237.93.23

Hôpital de jour universitaire «La Clé » asbl
Rue de la Constitution 153 - 4020 LIÈGE - Tel: 04/342.65.96 - [email protected] -www.cyberdependance.be

Joueurs Anonymes de Liège - Marc Crijns
Rue de l’Eglise 3 - 4032 LIÈGE (CHÊNÉE) - Tel: 0486/18.40.90 - http//users.skynet.be/joueurs

Centre ALFA
Rue de la Madeleine 17 - 4000 LIÈGE - Tel: 04/223.09.03 - [email protected] - www.centralfa.be

Hôpital Vincent Van Gogh-CHU de Charleroi
Rue de l’Hôpital, 55 - 6030 MARCHIENNE-AU-PONT - Tel: 071/92.14.11

Service de Prévention Ville de Mons - Programme de Prévention et de réduction des risques liés aux assuétudes
Rue de la Seuwe, 15 - 7000 MONS – Tel: 065/31.90.19

For our international customers, we recommend you contact Gamblers Anonymous, an organization which will anonymously advise you according to your country and will recommend the best practices in order to help you. You can find a list of addresses here: http://www.gamblersanonymous.org/ga/addresses.

Deposit limits

To control your spending, please note that on 777.be we have several options available to limit your deposits:

  • Default limit of 200 EUR per week, automatically applied to your account at registration. Whilst you can request to remove this limit, you can also reinstate it any time you wish. If you wish to deactivate this default limit, you must submit a request via the deposit tab or via your player account settings and set your own weekly deposit limit. Your request will be automatically accepted after 72 hours, except for those known to be in default at the Central individual credit register who will keep the limit at 200 EUR per week.
  • If your default limit is removed you will have a customized daily, weekly or monthly limit that you can instate at any time. More restrictive limits are always applied immediately.

You can find these limit options via the My Home section in your cashier. Our customer support agents are also happy to advise you and help you applying these options.

Self-exclusion & cool-off option

Besides deposit limits, you can also request a complete self-exclusion via the Belgian Gaming Commission, which includes all online and offline Belgian gaming establishments. You can request it via https://www.gamingcommission.be/en/voluntary-request. Once this process is completed you will be included in the Excluded Persons Information System (EPIS), a centralized system maintained by the Federal Justice department.

In addition, you can also request an exclusion and or cool-off for a definite or indefinite time per CASINO DE SPA URL, applicable to the CASINO DE SPA URL requested.

Generosity policy

As a casino operator authorized by the Belgian Gaming Commission, 777.be adheres to the legal requirement to not offer customers any bonuses, free spins or free bets. This has been the case since 1 March 2020, when the Royal Decree on bonusing came into effect.

Questions and support

In case of any questions or feedback about our responsible gaming options and policy, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us via our contact page. If you would like to contact the Belgian Gaming Commission instead you can email them via [email protected].

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